Future-proof network solutions:

Industrial broadband connection with INSYS icom devices
Future-proof network solutions:

Regensburg – The industrial world leans more and more towards decentralisation and virtual companies are becoming more common. In such cases, local networks require intelligent extensions, and remote stations and applications must be efficiently connected. State-of-the-art applications call for high-performance networks. Broadband connections with industrial grade devices are therefore a key factor for success. However, extending and upgrading existing company networks, e.g. by means of fiber optic cables, can be very costly. DSL, already an established standard in consumer business, is a cost-efficient alternative. It can be used in water / waste water systems, energy distribution solutions, facility management and video surveillance. SDSL solutions connect local networks or remote Ethernet devices via conventional telephone lines, which often already exist. SDSL technology transports both network data (IP) and serial data (RS232). Thereby, SDSL routers also provide a fast replacement for serial dedicated lines, while bridging distances of up to 7 km.
Thanks to two parallel SDSL channels, the new SDSL/SDHSL routers from INSYS icom provide a maximum data rate of 11.4 Mbit/s for both upload and download. Depending on the individual application, two units can be paired to either create a dedicated line for transparent network connections (bridging, Ethernet extender) or to act as routers connecting two separate network segments. ADSL solutions enable fast remote access via internet connections. Based on the current ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+ standards, the new ADSL solutions from INSYS icom enable data rates of up to 25 Mbit/s. If the application already features a PC-based controller or a data logger, users can also install cost-efficient INSYS icom modems instead of routers. INSYS icom solutions are available as embedded modules or suitable for DIN rail installation. Local and remote configuration of ADSL modems is possible via Telnet or browser, while routers are configured via a web interface with a quick start page for easy initial setup. INSYS icom routers are equipped with all extended safety (firewall, VPN) and address management (NAT, DHCP) features. Thanks to an integrated so-called Linux sandbox, users can program and start their own scripts and programs and collect and process data without compromising the router’s functionality. The INSYS Powerline adapter, which is designed for DIN rail installation, is an alternative for fast data transfer via the power grid.
Seit 1992 ist INSYS icom bewährter Technologiepartner für standardisierte Produkte und individuelle Lösungen in der industriellen Datenkommunikation und M2M-Technik. Die breite Angebotspalette reicht von einfachen seriellen Modems bis hin zu integrierten Mobilfunkroutern. INSYS icom-Kunden kommen aus den verschiedensten Branchen, wie zum Beispiel e-mobility, Energie, Verkehrstechnik, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau oder der Öffentlichen Hand, und nutzen die langlebigen Lösungen, um damit unterschiedlichste Anwendungen wie Fernzugriffe, Alarmmeldungen oder Überwachungsvorgänge zu realisieren und Systeme intelligent zu vernetzen. INSYS icom-Produkte sind in verschiedenen Formfaktoren zur Montage auf DIN-Hutschiene, in 19-Zoll-Racks, als Tisch-geräte oder integrierbare Platinen für sämtliche Übertragungstechnologien und in vielfältigen Ausstattungsvarianten erhältlich. Zur Programmierung von eigenen Anwendungen stehen für viele Produkte die frei verfügbare LINUX Sandbox sowie vorgefertigte Demo-Images zur Anpassung zur Verfügung. Ein Support-Team mit direkter Entwicklungsanbindung unterstützt Kunden jederzeit auch bei individuellen Lösungsanforderungen oder Änderungswünschen in Hardware-, Anwendungs- und Technologiefragen, damit sie schnell, effizient und sicher handeln können.

Wolfgang Wanner
Waffnergasse 8
93047 Regensburg